15 Games That Provided Hours of Fun at a Constant Clip

For all the talk about massive games full of dozens of hours of side content, titles that mostly avoid all of that deserve some appreciation. We’re talking about games that get straight to the action with any pretense or extensive exposition, providing hours of fun at a constant clip. Check out our 15 picks for these “all killer, no filler” titles.


Akin to Inception but with more otherworldly bug-like…things, Cocoon eases you in delicately enough with its world hopping, power unlocking, and puzzles. However, beyond the halfway point, you’re suddenly dealing with earth-shattering bosses, ascending through multiple levels of worlds while carrying others on your back and leveraging portals to enter and exit. It’s an experience unlike any other, delivered in roughly five to six hours and leaving you with more than a few questions when it’s over.

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