About a year ago I began writing 3rd Party 64 episodes for the various Army Men games that released on the Nintendo 64. Around that same time The Video Game History Foundation posted a Christmas themed commercial for Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes, one of the games I was writing about.
This led to a discussion with VGHF director, Frank Cifaldi about a collection they had recently received from developer Michael Mendheim, the creative director of the Sarge’s Heroes series. By the end of that meeting, I had a bunch of documentation surrounding the development of the Army Men series sitting in my inbox, and the scope of my project had expanded somewhat. In late summer 2024 Frank invited me to join him on an upcoming episode of The Video Game History Hour to chat with Mendheim about his games, thus granting even more insight.
This episode of 3rd Party 64 contains both clips from that interview, as well as research gleaned from the documents provided by The Video Game History Foundation. It would not have been possible to cover these games to this degree without the extremely important work that they do.
But wait, there’s more!
It quickly became obvious that I was learning far more about Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes in particular than would be viable to include in the above video. So we spun off a second video to share what I felt were the nine most interesting, previously undocumented facts to come out of this research. This video can be seen on The Video Game History Foundation’s YouTube channel.
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