15 Upcoming Open World Games of 2025 and Beyond

The appeal of the boundless freedom of open world experiences is never going to wane to a point where they’re not among the most popular games in the medium, and sure enough, there’s no shortage of plenty more upcoming ones in the pipeline either. Here, we’re going to highlight a few such open world games scheduled to release in 2025 or beyond that we can’t wait to get our hands on.


It makes sense to start off with the obvious choice. The big daddy of open world games is returning this year (or so Rockstar says) with the long awaited Grand Theft Auto 6. Arriving more than a decade after its predecessor’s release, the epic crime saga will take players back to the sunny, coastal streets of Vice City, touting a level of immersion and detail that only Rockstar can manage. Whether GTA 6 will actually launch this Fall as intended remains to be seen – it’s hard to think of Rockstar games that haven’t been delayed at least once – but either way, this is the big one that open world fans will be keeping their eye on.

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