All egg pan station recipes in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

The egg pan station is one of the many cooking stations in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and it allows you to cook up crepes and omelets to give to your island companions.

The egg pan is really unique in the fact that no single character is associated with it and none of the characters love any of the food you cook up using it. To use it, you’ll need eggs, which you get from playing the “Rockadoodler Roundup” minigame.

Below, we explain how to unlock the egg pan station, how to upgrade the egg pan station, and all the egg pan recipes available in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

How to unlock the egg pan

There are a few quests you’ll have to do in order to unlock the egg pan. You’ll need to complete these quests, in order:

  1. “Open the Nature Preserve,” which unlocks when you reach friendship level two with Keroppi
  2. “Rockadoodler Roundup,” which unlocks when you reach friendship level eight with Pekkle
  3. “An Egg-cellent Pan,” which unlocks after you complete “Rockadoodler Roundup”

After doing the above, you’ll be able to use the egg pan freely, so long as you have the eggs. The egg pan will be here on Gemstone Mountain:

A rabbit stands next to a frying pan over a campfire in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Graphic: Julia Lee/worldnetgames | Image sources: Sunblink via worldnetgames

Completing “An Egg-cellent Pan” also unlocks the crafting plans for the egg pan station, so you can craft a working egg pan and place it inside visitor cabins, too.

How to upgrade the egg pan

To unlock the egg pan station upgrade, you’ll need to take photos of at least 102 different Gudetama around the island. Once you do this, you’ll get a quest called “Five Stars” from Pompompurin that will point you towards your upgraded egg pan.

There are only 96 Gudetama total in the main areas, so you will need access to later game areas like Merry Meadow to unlock the egg pan upgrade. Unlocking Merry Meadow fully will let you find 12 more Gudetama, so you should be able to upgrade your egg pan once you finish completely unlocking that area.

The weekly Tophat Gudetama does not count towards the total.

Below, we list all of the permanent egg pan recipes in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Note that there is a limited-time recipe, the “50th Anniversary Crepe” — but it’s not counted as part of the collections page and you can’t make it consistently, as it uses a limited-time material, so we don’t have it on our list.

There are also multiple recipes for the same food, but they are registered individually in your collections. For example, using spinip or pumpkin will both give you Veggie Omelet, but it will register as “Veggie Omelet Recipe (Spinip)” and “Veggie Omelet Recipe (Pumpkin)” in your collections, so you may want to make all of these to collect all the recipes fully.

Ingredient #1

Ingredient #2


Anything not listed below. Omelet
Flour Crepe
Candy Cloud Fantasy Omelet
Moon Cheese Fluffy Omelet
Tofu Protein Omelet
Spinip Veggie Omelet
Pumpkin Veggie Omelet
Flour Moon Cheese Cheese Crepe
Flour Chocolate Coin Chocolate Crepe
Flour Apple Fruit Crepe
Flour Banana Fruit Crepe
Flour Pineapple Fruit Crepe
Flour Starfruit Fruit Crepe
Flour Strawberry Fruit Crepe
Spinip Moon Cheese Hearty Omelet
Flour Toasted Almond Nutty Crepe
Flour Cinna Bloom Spiced Crepe
Flour Magma Bloom Spiced Crepe
Flour Candy Cloud Sweet Crepe
Flour Sugarkelp Sweet Crepe
Flour Swampmallow Sweet Crepe
Flour Spinip Veggie Crepe
Flour Pumpkin Veggie Crepe
Spinip Pumpkin Veggie Supreme Omelet

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