My Loyal Shield is one of Avowed’s easier treasure maps and one that doesn’t send you to the most dangerous places in a region to find its reward.

You can buy this map, and the secret to finding the treasure this time consist of finding a back door and pressing a secret button. That’s it! And at the end of it all, you get a mighty shield that’s worth keeping for a while even if you don’t rely on blocking in battle.
This Avowed guide shows where to find the My Loyal Shield treasure map and where to find the shield in question.
Where to find My Loyal Shield treasure map

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via worldnetgames
You can purchase My Loyal Shield from Eberk, a merchant standing outside the South Warden Tower’s front door. It’s literally one of the first things you see if you follow the road north from where you enter Galawin’s Tusk, and the only enemy in sight is Eberk’s price philosophy. He charges 5,220 skeyt for the map.

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via worldnetgames
If you’re short on cash, rummage through the tower’s several floors and grab all the weapons you can. Selling them should get you more than enough to cover the map.
My Loyal Shield location solution

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via worldnetgames
The little callout box on this map is slightly misleading, as it has nothing to do with the actual location, but everything to do with how you reach it. Head northwest from South Warden Tower, following the lava river, until you see Outcast Tower Camp to your north. That’s the broken tower with scaffolding the map shows in the distance. You’re looking for an Ekida-slash-Godless ruin instead.

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via worldnetgames
You’ll see a group of beetles chowing down on some poor soul’s remains. Ignore them, and turn left. This path takes up to the tower’s back entrance, where you’ll find a table and an otherwise empty room. The callout box was pointing to this table and, specifically, the button on it that opens a secret door.

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via worldnetgames
Press that, enter the door, drop down into the chamber, and collect your treasure, the tier-four Time’s Tarnish shield. The room looks dangerous, but there’s nothing else inside.

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via worldnetgames
Time’s Tarnish is a fantastic shield, and even though its enchantments have a high chance of not activating, they’re awfully useful when they do actually work.
- 84 block efficiency
- 20 stability
- 340 parry efficiency
- 45 elemental resistance
Time’s Tarnish enchantments
- Timeless Aegis: Blocking has a 20% chance of restoring 20 stamina
- Dull the Edge, Blunt the Point: 10% chance to avoid melee damage
Everything in Galawin’s Tusks wants to kill you, and unless you’ve saved upgrade materials along the way, you probably don’t have a tier-four piece of armor yet. This shield is a useful stopgap that helps keep you safe in battle until you get to that point, so consider using it even if you don’t normally equip a shield.
For more treasure maps in the Galawain’s Tusks region, see our solutions to the Ancient Arrowhead and The Blade that Hungers treasure maps. And don’t miss our full Avowed walkthrough.