After some Unovan chill, the next major weekend for Pokemon Go will be around the start of summer.
The annual Pokemon Go Fest has been announced for the month of June, with in person events in Osaka, Japan May 29 – June 1, Jersey City, NJ on June 6 – 8, and Paris, France on June 13 – 15 before a global event on June 28 and 29. Tickets for the in person events are now available, as well as a US$15 ticket for the global event that will unlock exclusive gameplay including an encounter with the mythical Pokemon Volcanion, while the main Pokemon available to all will be the “crowned” forms of Sword and Shield mascots Zacian and Zamazenta.
Purchasing the global ticket by April 15, and logging into the game between April 8 – 15, will unlock a research story which includes an encounter with Skiddo, a Pokemon previously only made available at “City Safari” in person events that have only been held in select cities since late 2023.