The endgame of the High Rank phase in Monster Hunter Wilds are ideally accomplished using Artian Weapons, which differ from standard weapons in that they can be customized through both the crafting process, as well as post-production with reinforcement bonuses. With three weapon variants for each of the 14 major categories, assembling a complete collection will take some labor, in the form of resource farming, crafting, and then customizing to your personal preference.
This Monster Hunter Wilds guide is a complete listing of all available Artian Weapons in the game, as well as their required materials for forging.
Unlock Artian Weapons
Artian Weapons require drops that are exclusive to Tempered monsters, the first of which you will face in ‘Wyvern Sparks and Rose Thorns’, a Chapter 4 mission in the Monster Hunter Wilds post-game. On completion of this mission you will receive a Damaged Weapons Shard, which is the lowest of 3 rarities for this drop; the other two being Rusted Weapon Shard, and Ancient Weapon Fragment. More Tempered monsters will now be open for hunting and farming their tier 1 drops. Tier 2 and 3 Tempered monsters and their corresponding higher rarity drops will become available once you have achieved the higher Hunter Ranks of 30 and 40, respectively.
Craft Artian Weapons
Artian Weapons can be forged by visiting Gemma at the Smithy. The parts required are based on particular combinations for each of the 14 weapon categories, and come from a pool of four Artian materials–Blade, Device, Disc, and Tube, all of which are derived from the aforementioned Weapons Shards/Fragments. Every single material has individual characteristics, in the form of an Element Type and Artian Bonus, that then carry over onto the Artian Weapon being forged. This is where the initial customization of Artian Weapons is achieved. Since Artian materials cannot be recovered through dismantling, it is important to put careful thought into their use. Fortunately, dismantling does provide you with Reinforcement materials, which are used to reinforce Artian weapons with new, but randomized bonuses. The cost in Zenny is irrecoverable.
Reinforce Artian Weapons
Forged Artian Weapons can be reinforced or leveled up with Gemma at the Smithy. Although there are four distinct Reinforcement materials–Drearisite, Specklite, Argecite, Oricalcite–no particular combination of them is required, as they are used simply to fill up a bar which when maxed out, levels up the weapon and applies a random Reinforcement bonus. Five possible bonuses can be applied when reinforcing an Artian Weapon: Attack Boost, Affinity Boost, Defense Boost, Element Boost, and Sharpness Boost.
List Of All Artian Weapons By Category
This is a list of every Artian Weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds, 42 in all, along with their crafting materials and rarities. Note that while Artian Weapons can be reinforced or leveled up, their rarity cannot be upgraded. Which means that each variant in a given weapon category must be crafted from scratch, and then any those reinforcement bonuses will have to be rolled all over again.
Artian Bow
Artian Sight I
- 1x Device Rarity 6
- 2x Tube Rarity 6
Artian Sight II
- 1x Device Rarity 7
- 2x Tube Rarity 7
- 1x Device Rarity 8
- 2x Tube Rarity 8
Artian Charge Blade
Artian Defender I
- 1x Blade Rarity 6
- 1x Device Rarity 6
- 1x Disc Rarity 6
Artian Defender II
- 1x Blade Rarity 7
- 1x Device Rarity 7
- 1x Disc Rarity 7
Chrono Gear
- 1x Blade Rarity 8
- 1x Device Rarity 8
- 1x Disc Rarity 8
Artian Dual Blades
Artian Edges I
- 1x Blade Rarity 6
- 2x Disc Rarity 6
Artian Edges II
- 1x Blade Rarity 7
- 2x Disc Rarity 7
- 1x Blade Rarity 8
- 2x Disc Rarity 8
Artian Great Sword
Artian Blade I
- 1x Tube Rarity 6
- 2x Blade Rarity 6
Artian Blade II
- 1x Tube Rarity 7
- 2x Blade Rarity 7
- 1x Tube Rarity 8
- 2x Blade Rarity 8
Artian Gunlance
Artian Cannon I
- 1x Device Rarity 6
- 2x Disc Rarity 6
Artian Cannon II
- 1x Device Rarity 7
- 2x Disc Rarity 7
- 1x Device Rarity 8
- 2x Disc Rarity 8
Artian Hammer
Artian Hammer I
- 1x Tube Rarity 6
- 2x Disc Rarity 6
Artian Hammer II
- 1x Tube Rarity 7
- 2x Disc Rarity 7
- 1x Tube Rarity 8
- 2x Disc Rarity 8
Artian Heavy Bowgun
Artian Sheller I
- 1x Device Rarity 6
- 1x Disc Rarity 6
- 1x Tube Rarity 6
Artian Sheller II
- 1x Device Rarity 7
- 1x Disc Rarity 7
- 1x Tube Rarity 7
- 1x Device Rarity 8
- 1x Disc Rarity 8
- 1x Tube Rarity 8
Artian Hunting Horn
Artian Sounder I
- 1x Disc Rarity 6
- 2x Device Rarity 6
Artian Sounder II
- 1x Disc Rarity 7
- 2x Device Rarity 7
- 1x Disc Rarity 8
- 2x Device Rarity 8
Artian Insect Glaive
Artian Glaive I
- 1x Blade Rarity 6
- 1x Device Rarity 6
- 1x Tube Rarity 6
Artian Glaive II
- 1x Blade Rarity 7
- 1x Device Rarity 7
- 1x Tube Rarity 7
- 1x Blade Rarity 8
- 1x Device Rarity 8
- 1x Tube Rarity 8
Artian Lance
Artian Lance I
- 1x Blade Rarity 6
- 2x Disc Rarity 6
Artian Lance II
- 1x Blade Rarity 7
- 2x Disc Rarity 7
- 1x Blade Rarity 8
- 2x Disc Rarity 8
Artian Light Bowgun
Artian Blaster I
- 1x Tube Rarity 6
- 2x Device Rarity 6
Artian Blaster II
- 1x Tube Rarity 7
- 2x Device Rarity 7
- 1x Tube Rarity 8
- 2x Device Rarity 8
Artian Long Sword
Artian Saber I
- 1x Blade Rarity 6
- 2x Tube Rarity 6
Artian Saber II
- 1x Blade Rarity 7
- 2x Tube Rarity 7
- 1x Blade Rarity 8
- 2x Tube Rarity 8
Artian Switch Axe
Artian Saw I
- 1x Device Rarity 6
- 2x Blade Rarity 6
Artian Saw II
- 1x Device Rarity 7
- 2x Blade Rarity 7
Mundus Altus
- 1x Device Rarity 8
- 2x Blade Rarity 8
Artian Sword and Shield
Artian Sword I
- 1x Blade Rarity 6
- 1x Disc Rarity 6
- 1x Tube Rarity 6
Artian Sword II
- 1x Blade Rarity 7
- 1x Disc Rarity 7
- 1x Tube Rarity 7
- 1x Blade Rarity 8
- 1x Disc Rarity 8
- 1x Tube Rarity 8
That is everything to know about Artian Weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds.