Gold Veins are a resource you can mine in Fortnite. Gold Veins provide you with Gold Rush and bars.
With the Chapter 6 Season 2’s golden theme, there’s an excess amount of bars for the taking in the lawless lands. An easy way to gain bars is by mining Gold Veins that are found around the new point of interests added in Chapter 6 Season 2.
As part of a Week 3 quest, you need to mine five Gold Veins, which can be fairly difficult to find if you’re not looking in the right location.
Here’s how to mine Gold Veins in Fortnite and where to find them.
How to mine Gold Veins in Fortnite
To mine Gold Veins, you’ll need to hit the Gold Veins with your pickaxe. The easiest way to mine five Gold Veins is to land by the gold river in between Shiny Shafts and Crime City and mine away! After you break a Gold Vein, you’ll receive bars and Gold Rush, which increases your speed, pickaxe swing speed, and pickaxe damage.
Where to find Gold Veins in Fortnite
Gold Veins can be found around the “Lawless” region of the map in Chapter 6 Season 2 — including areas around Shiny Shafts, Crime City, and Outlaw Oasis. However, there are a few prime locations to find Gold Veins, which can be found in the red areas in the map above.