‘Derealize’ Exotic mission walkthrough in Destiny 2

The “Derealize” Exotic mission in Destiny 2 is the final step for “The Taken Path” Exotic quest, and it’s where you’ll finally get the Barrow-Dyad Exotic submachine gun. The mission is a bit shorter and more straightforward than some of the recent Exotic quests, but it’s still tricky in some spots, and has plenty of new mechanics to learn.

In this Destiny 2 guide, we’ll walk you through how to complete the “Derealize” Exotic mission so you can finally get the Barrow-Dyad Exotic submachine gun.

How to unlock the ‘Derealize’ Exotic mission in Destiny 2

A Guardian aims at Vrhiisk in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via worldnetgames

Once you’ve grabbed every Taken Osseous Fragment in “The Taken Path” Exotic quest, the game will ask you to find one more hidden within the bowels of the ship. You’ll then be able to launch the “Derealize” Exotic mission, which you can find in The Last City, which will have you search the Dreadnaught for the final fragment.

When you first land in The Dreadnaught, just clear the enemies in the immediate area so you can unlock the portal and proceed forward. The first encounter begins once you reach the outside of the ship in the Trenchway.

Defeat the Dread Commander in Derealize

A Guardian dunks a Taken curse into a Taken orb in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via worldnetgames

In this encounter, you’ll need to deal damage to the Subjugator, Vrhiisk, when you can, and then remove their immunity shield so you can continue fighting.

When the boss’ first shield comes up, two ogres will spawn on the ship. Kill them and they’ll drop two Taken relics. Pick one up and empower it by killing nearby enemies. Once it grows “heavy with power,” dunk it in the Blight on the ground. This will cause you to become Torn Between Dimensions, like in the King’s Fall raid.

Pick up the second Taken relic and kill more enemies. Once this one is also empowered, use the special platforms above you to climb over to the floating Taken Blights. Land on the orb to destroy the Taken Blight.

Once you’ve destroyed the two Taken Blights, the boss will lose its shield. Damage it until the shield returns, then repeat the shield breaking process. This will cause the boss to run away and disappear inside a Blighted Cyst. Follow it inside and kill it to reveal the next puzzle section of the mission.

How to complete the compass puzzle in Derealize

A Guardian aims at a compass puzzle in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via worldnetgames

Once the Dread Commander is dead, a rune and plate will spawn on the ground and you’ll get the “NO ESCAPE” objective along with a timer counting down to “Reality Tears.”

To complete this puzzle, you’ll need to activate each plate in order: right, up, down, left.

Look down at the plate in front of you, in the white boss room. The arrow is pointed right, and you’ll notice that the circular symbol will appear on the rune if you look at it. Activate this right plate. This will teleport you to another plate, but don’t step on that one yet.

Wait and look to see which plate it is. If it’s the up plate — as in it wants you to walk forward to complete it — then do so. If not, wait for the timer to tick down. When it hits zero, it’ll teleport you to another plate. Wait until you land in front of the next plate in the sequence (the up plate, in this case) and then activate it.

Repeat this, using the plate when it’s the correct one in the sequence and waiting when it’s not, until you complete the right, up, down, left sequence.

How to reach the final boss in Derealize

A Guardian takes aim at a crystal in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via worldnetgames

After you finish the puzzle you’ll get ejected back into the Dreadnaught and need to complete a fairly intense jumping puzzle.

Follow the natural path and the objective marker until you reach a room that has two different sides with holes in them — as well as jutting spikes. You’ll need to find three purple crystals here to open a door and get the Exotic.

All three crystals are inside the walls — none are around the machine in the open area. Look for purple glows under platforms to find them. After you destroy them all, head through the gate to reach the final boss room and collect the Barrow-Dyad Exotic.

How to defeat Xir-Kuur Not-Taken and Taken in Derealize

A Guardian aims the Barrow-Dyad Exotic at Xir-Kuur in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via worldnetgames

Collect the “artifact” off the table to get Barrow-Dyad, the Exotic you’re looking for. When you pick it up, you’ll be torn between dimensions. Equip it and use it to destroy the Blights in the area to summon the boss.

This fight is pretty simple, albeit chaotic. Reduce the boss’ health through normal means. You’ll then become Torn Between Dimensions and will need to fight the Taken version of the same boss, while the normal one runs around immune, shooting you. Once the Taken boss’ health has hit the two-thirds point, destroy the Blights with Barrow-Dyad to return to reality and deal damage to the “Not-Taken” boss.

Repeat this process, flipping between realities, until you reduce the “Not-Taken” boss to zero health. At this point, Xir-Kuur will combine his forms and become too powerful for you to handle. Suffocating Terror eyes will also spawn in the arena.

Flee the room back to the door you used to enter the arena. Head outside and stand on the big plate to seal Xir-Kuur’s Super Saiyan form inside. He’ll need to be dealt with later, but for now, you’re done with the quest and the mission, and have access to the Barrow-Dyad Exotic submachine gun.

Return to Eris’ apartment and interact with the slab to get the “Dyadic Ascension” quest so you can (start) to upgrade your Exotic with improved Intrinsic traits.

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