Where is Tophat Gudetama this week in Hello Kitty Island Adventure?

Pochacco will task you with finding this dapper Gudetama specifically as part of a quest per week for the first two weeks (“The Laziest Egg” and “The Laziest Eggs”), though after you finish these, there won’t be a quest to remind you about Tophat Gudetama in your list anymore. Pochacco will still remind you to find him at the start of the week, though.

Once you find him, you just need to use your camera to take a photo of him, as you do with the other hidden Gudetamas around the island.

The lazy (but fancy) egg can hide in one of 52 spots and with the map being so huge, he can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look. Below we explain where to find Tophat Gudetama in Hello Kitty Island Adventure this week.

Where is Tophat Gudetama this week?

For the week of Feb. 17, Tophat Gudetama is under the water near the sunken pirate ship. You’ll need to swim and dive to get to him.

You’ll get the plans to make Decorative Gudetama #38 as a reward for finding him.

It should be noted that Tophat Gudetama repeats locations after appearing in 52 different spots. Since Hello Kitty Island Adventure has been out on Apple Arcade for quite a bit, most of these locations have already rotated for iOS users. You can see a full list of all of the Tophat Gudetama locations on the Hello Kitty Island Adventure Wiki.

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